Where Work

And Family Meet!

Who We Are

Phil-Am Outsourcing Solutions, or OSI as we’re known around the office, has been a trusted name in the BPO industry since 1998. As one of the first BPOs in Cebu, we have witnessed the rise and fall of many competitors, yet we have remained steadfast. At OSI, you can rely on our unmatched expertise and unwavering commitment to excellence.

What We Do

For more than 2 decades we have built a wide variety of teams supporting the various needs of our clients from around the globe. Below you will find just a few examples of the types of teams we have built and some of the skill sets we are continuously searching for.


We have provided editing services for large international publishers. These services have ranged from municipal codes to scientific papers to self-published authors.

Digital Marketing

Our teams have provided services such as SEO, SMO and SEM for our overseas clients. This includes skills in technologies like WordPress, Adwords, social media and more.

Web Development

We have built many different teams of programmers for our clients. These teams have used technologies and frameworks such as CodeIgniter, Laravel, C#, WordPress, etc.

Customer Service

Working closely with our clients, we have built teams of agents that provide technical support, customer service and inbound sales. These teams included voice, email and chat support.

Graphic Design

We have hired graphic designers that have provided a variety of services for our clients. This includes teams that designed book covers, advertisements, social media graphics, and more.

Data Entry/Research

Over the years we have built many different data entry and web research teams. These teams provide services such as data harvesting, data validation, encoding, and back-office support.

Customized Teams

Where we really excel is in building customized teams of employees for almost any task our client’s might need done. Some of these services have included:

  • Take-offs for a landscaping company (CAD skills)
  • Accounting services such as accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll processing
  • Back-office support for a law office
  • Product management for e-commerce
  • Localization service support
  • Real Estate Virtual Assistants
  • Software Quality Assurance
  • Technical Writing
  • Book Formatting
  • And much more!

Why We Are Different

There are many things that set us apart from other companies. Our length in business is an important one, but we are also known for our family values. When you join us, you become part of our family. Don’t take our word for it, check out our online reviews or ask anyone who has worked with us. They will tell you that OSI is a great place to work!


I found my happiness here

Working with OSI over the years has been a pleasant and wonderful experience for me. I feel like I have grown as an individual and as an employee because I have a great workplace. I’m sure the rest of my colleagues who have been and are still with OSI for years feel the same way, too. I get along with my colleagues and bosses just fine, like a real family working towards a common goal. Also, it’s worth mentioning that if it weren’t for this company, I wouldn’t have met my better half to build a family with. You see, I found my happiness and forever in this company.
Digital Marketing Specialist

Part of a wonderful family

I have been working with OSI for over a decade now and I can say that they have been instrumental in my growth. I am grateful for the experience and for being part of this wonderful family.
Digital Marketing Specialist

OSI is a keeper

The culture in OSI is just different from the rest. This is probably one of the few companies out there whose team leads are expected to know and do the work inside out (and not just bark orders) and whose bosses and admin are so cool that you can strike a conversation with them on and off work. Everyone is treated with kindness and respect. Employees here do not need incentives and demerits to get the job done. We just always want to do our best for our clients, because OSI takes such good care of everyone. I am happy to be part of this organization where work and family indeed meet.
Senior Tech Consultant